Sohmer Grand and Upright Pianos
Why we love to restore Sohmer pianos
Vintage Sohmer pianos were built with the intent to last a very long time, and indeed they do. It’s a pleasure to restore these Sohmer pianos back to life. Sohmer has earned the nick name “the poor man’s Steinway” in the piano industry. They have a very rich sweet tone and the model “9B” is one that is hard to beat for its size (5’11’)
History of Sohmer
Sohmer was established back in 1872 by Hugo Sohmer in New York. The Sohmer family managed to successfully own the business until it was sold in 1982. Vintage Sohmer grand and upright pianos have a solid reputation for being high quality instruments.
Serial Numbers
1900-27800 1945-97260 1966-159600 1975-203500
1905-32300 1950-103240 1967-164700 1976-209100
1915-42900 1960-132500 1969-175000 1978-220430
1920-48100 1961-136700 1970-180000 1979-226250
1925-60750 1962-140840 1971-183600 1980-231700
1930-76500 1963-145260 1972-187800 1981-236570
1935-86400 1964-150200 1973-191074 1982-241180
1940-92100 1965-154500 1974-198900